Tuesday, January 10, 2012

18 class body started

The body for the 18 class is proceeding. Footplate is 60 thou for strength . The rest is mainly 40 thou and 20 thou.
The boiler is a suitable piece of plastic pipe with 5 thou boiler bands.
Chimney and dome are some of Col Shepherd's brass turnings. The chimney appears to be for the original version and it is in the process of being modified to the later standard version. Both are attached with screws and still need work.
Plenty of work to go. Cab roof is at this stage intended to be removable and be the location for the speaker.

I am using the article from AMRM 1963/64 for dimensions however the porthole windows were put in the wrong place as a result of dodgy info supplied in another publication and some cut and fill was required to correct the error.