Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Indoors Too

The opportunity arose to finally have my indoor layout room again.
It started as HO (too small these days), would have been best in S but that would have entailed another scale to scratchbuild it all in.
So with 3' radius at our disposal and plenty of small engines and 4 wheelers in stock a shoehorn O gauge layout it shall be!
I didn't have enough Peco points in stockto do it  but did have enough of my home made jobs so I have made the sidings out of code 100 once again to match those points. Recycled once again.

Ballasting is under way

Thursday, March 3, 2016


The railway got a new loco today.
4108 was started some years before Bergs Hobbies mooted theirs. I used information from an early issue of the magazine and Ron Preston's book 'green diesels'.
It is made of styrene and brass mesh with Slaters wheels and a  Roxey gearbox. The sideframes are modified Col Shepherd.
Ted Freeman did the decals for me.